Interested in getting a Savannah?

Has the Savannah breed piqued your interest? Look no further! Here are some things to consider.

Activity level: Savannahs are very lively and smart cats, and need to be stimulated or interacted with fairly regularly. A bored Savannah is a mischievous one. A variety of toys, even empty toilet paper rolls, is essential to keep them stimulated, and they tend to love the laser pointer as well. They love human interaction and want to play with you, so if you leave them alone too long they can find ways to bring your attention back to them. Winry likes to climb bookcases and mess with pictures on the walls while yelling at the top of her lungs, and Aria will yowl as she brings you a toy to throw for her. Leash training your Savannah can be very rewarding, as they can get used to exploring outdoors and will likely love walks. Letting them outside without a proper harness can leave you without your pet, and more than a few birds will meet their end with this breed. We do not condone letting your cat wander outside without supervision or proper restraint.

Savannahs can be high prey drive animals, depending on the cat. Other small animals in the house may not be safe, including other cats. What a Savannah considers “play” may be rough for small dogs, however given proper introduction they can become fast friends.

Feeding: A good balanced diet is important for a Savannah. We feed our adults a raw diet, while the kittens are on a mixture of dry and canned food. It is way easier and cheaper to feed raw than one might think, requiring just a small amount of prep every few days or weeks (depending on how much you buy). The kittens remain on commercial food to make transition into their new homes easier. Our recommendation is sticking with a food formulated for kittens, or research how much more raw to feed if you decide that route.

Health: Savannahs are generally very healthy cats, with less inclination for heart problems than other breeds. Indeed, they are more likely to have acute issues rather than congenital ones. Finding a good veterinarian that is knowledgeable about the breed is recommended, and socializing your kitten with their doctor is essential. The stigma of hybrid animals being mean unfortunately follows even later-gen cats, so teach your cat that the vet is not a scary place and the veterinary team may be more comfortable with them. Pippin and Winry have had a few freak accidents that have left them terrified of vet visits, but they still do not lash out because they are used to being handled.

Mess with your kitten as much as possible. Hold them, play with their ears, paws, mouths, and tail, and teach them that it’s okay to be held. The more used to handling they are, the easier they will be to look over when the need arises.

Your area: A few states do not allow hybrid animals, and quite a few cities. Research your local ordinances and laws before you purchase a kitten. The Savannah breed website has a decent list of where Savannahs are and aren’t allowed, but you will likely need to look up more specific laws for more rural areas or suburbs.

Your home: The Savannah’s precociousness often leads it to mischief. Our kitchen cabinets are all babyproofed, top and bottom, as well as closet and entertainment center doors that don’t have a doorknob. Doors with handles will also be opened, and your cat will jump onto places and leave you wondering how they got there. Savannahs are very good at getting into things they shouldn’t, and it can become a game for them. Small trinkets, plants, and cords should be secured – research cord protection and toxic household plants. Provide plenty of scratching posts and boards so your Savannah doesn’t make abstract art from your upholstery.

Self restraint: These are super cool cats! You will yourself wanting more than one, so go ahead and treat yourself. You deserve it.